What Parts of My Garage Door Need Replacing?
What Parts of My Garage Door Need Replacing?
We hope your garage door will last you a long, long time. But even if it lasts for many years, you’re probably going to have to replace some parts along the way. That’s just the way machines are designed. They have moving parts that wear out, and your garage door system is no different.
What Parts Can You Expect to Repair Over the Life of Your Door?
Here are four of the components you will likely need to replace at some point during your garage door’s lifespan:
This one is almost guaranteed. Your torsion springs or extension springs are the coiled bits of metal that actually do most of the work when you are opening or closing the door. Most standard springs are designed to last about 10,000 cycles, or openings and closings. For most people, this means about eight years before they are totally shot, but depending on how often you use your door and how much stress you put on it, it could be a bit sooner or later than this.
If you enjoy the convenience of a modern door that rolls up into the roof of the garage rather than swinging straight up and then going back, you can thank your hinges. But rolling the door up and down on those hinges takes its toll, and you’ll probably have to swap them out sooner or later.
Garage Door Openers
If you buy a new, high-quality garage door opener, it will probably last you a long time. But garage door openers are pretty intricate machines, and there are a lot of things that can go wrong, especially if you have an older model. If your door is not opening or closing properly, particularly if you are able to open and close it without much difficulty manually, there’s a good chance it’s time to have your garage door opener looked at. You may also want to replace your garage door opener to take advantage of the security and convenience features that are standard with new opener models.
The Whole Door
If you’ve had your garage door for 10 years or more, it may be time to swap out the whole system. Frequent repairs, especially ones that are adding up to greater than the cost of a new door, are a definite sign that it’s time to start fresh. Your door may simply look or feel old, worn out or out of style. A new garage door can really improve the curb appeal of your home and is one of the best home improvements with respect to return on investment, so if it’s time, don’t be afraid to get a new one in there.
Whether you need a new door, replacement parts or a garage door opener upgrade, if you’re in the Spokane, WA or Northern Idaho region, just contact Continental Door Company, and we’ll take care of you.