Fire-Drop Testing for School Districts

Fire-Drop Testing for School Districts

School districts are responsible for keeping hundreds — or even thousands — of students safe while they learn. Ensuring your fire doors work correctly is a critical part of protecting everyone.

What Is Fire Door Drop Testing?

Fire-rated doors in schools and other district buildings must undergo regular professional inspection to comply with government standards.

The drop-testing process encompasses two steps:

  1. Operation test: Your technician drops the fire doors to ensure they close smoothly and completely. 
  2. Reset test: Your technician inspects the door’s automatic closing mechanisms to verify that you can reset them properly.

Your technician will also perform a visual inspection to check for malfunctioning operating mechanisms or damaged components. If they find none, they will verify that your fire doors can close and reset according to the standards from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) — specifically, NFPA 80.

Why Is Fire-Drop Testing Important?

Regular certified fire-drop testing is essential for school districts for several reasons:

  • Safety: Functional fire doors can prevent harm to students and faculty by containing the spread of smoke and flames.
  • Compliance: Failure to comply with the requirements in NFPA 80 and other fire safety standards can cost school districts thousands in fines and damages.
  • Prevention: Inspections can reveal minor issues that can be deadly later on. Regularly performing drop tests significantly reduces the risk of something going wrong during a fire.
  • Door longevity: Left unchecked, minor wear and tear can quickly turn into a costly problem. Routine testing can find damage before it escalates and help extend your door’s life span.
  • Insurance: A school district’s insurance provider may have specific requirements for fire door testing beyond that of NFPA 80 or IDA regulations. Failure to comply can raise a district’s premiums.

How Often Should You Perform Fire Door Drop Tests?

According to NFPA 80, you must perform fire door testing at least once annually to ensure everything works properly. A professional fire door technician must conduct the inspection, and thorough documentation is essential for compliance.

If your technician discovers any issues during the inspection, they can recommend the repair services needed to restore your door’s functionality.

Protect Your School District With Continental Door Co.

As the leading provider of commercial garage doors in Greater Spokane and North Idaho, Continental Door can help you ensure your school buildings have the proper fire door protections in place. Contact us today for more information about our fire-rated doors and related services. 


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