Vehicle Restraints
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Vehicle restraints and dock lock safety systems are a key component of efficient and safe modern loading docks. Vehicle restraints lock trailers into position at the loading dock. The vehicle restraint systems incorporate an integrated system of signal lights, inside on the vehicle restraint control panel and outside on the facility wall to communicate loading and restraint status to the dock attendant as well as the truck driver.
Vehicle Restraints & Loading Dock Safety Equipment
PowerHook® Vehicle Restraint
PowerHold® Vehicle Restraint
TPR UniLock® Vehicle Restraint
TPR® Vehicle Restraint
PowerStop® Automatic Vehicle Restraint
PowerStop® Manual Vehicle Restraint
Wheel Chocks
PowerHook® Vehicle Restraint Brochure
PowerHold® Vehicle Restraint Brochure
TPR UniLock® Vehicle Restraint Brochure
TPR® Vehicle Restraint Brochure
PowerStop® Automatic Vehicle Restraint Brochure
PowerStop® Manual Vehicle Restraint Brochure
Owner's Manuals
PowerHook® Vehicle Restraint Owner's Manual
PowerHold® Vehicle Restraint Owner's Manual
TPR UniLock® Vehicle Restraint Owner's Manual
TPR® Vehicle Restraint Owner's Manual